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Science Lab


We provide a full range of qualification and validation services tailored to your company requirements.

DJC Validation Limited is a UK -based Consulting Firm with over 20 years of GxP experience covering method development, method validation, equipment and utilities validation across Europe.
We offer an impressive portfolio of professional consulting services that are completely customisable for your business. Whatever your needs may be, we can make it happen. Get in touch with us today.
Services include: Documentation Support (URS, DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ), Training Packages, Thermal Mapping (TCE, Autoclaves, Lyophilisers), Lab Equipment Qualification (balances, water purification systems, TOC, plate readers, UV spectrophotometers, HPLC/ UPLC), Autoclave Cycle Development, Cleaning Validation, Networked CDS, Facility Monitoring Systems, LIMS systems.

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DJC Validation Limited exists to support our clients to achieve compliance. By tackling projects both large and small, either targeted qualification activities of a full suite of support from facility qualification, validation plans all the way through to supporting the analytical equipment qualification and release for GxP use. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organisations move through the early stages of equipment purchase (supplier qualification, URS, DQ)  through to the beneficial use of the equipment to help optimize performance and productivity.

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Achieve Your Goals

We sit down and assess your requirements and ensure we are taking the correct approach to ensure ongoing compliance. All processes are risk based and we look to ensure we push ourselves to achieve your desired time frames.
We offer documentation services, URS, FAT, SAT, IQ/OQ/PQ, risk assessments, GAP assessments. Execution experience includes analytical lab equipment (HPLC, UPLC, Balances, Thermal Mapping etc) area classification (EM/NVP, Smoke Visualisation etc), cleaning validation, lyophilisation and sterilisation (autoclave cycle development and PQ). Support and training can also be provided to support company and personnel development.

Image by Hans Reniers


Expert Guidance

With over 20 years of experience, our team has the capabilities and expertise organise and execute packages to fit with your demanding company requirements. DJC Validation Limited using a variable pool of consultants allows us to use our experience and skills to create qualification packages tailored to your needs to achieve regulatory expectations.
We can create qualification/ validation plans to ensure delivery of new/ key areas or bespoke critical equipment. As well as ensuring routine equipment is qualified and fit for purpose.

Science Lab


Clear, concise, compliant

We pride ourselves on executing all qualification and validation activities to the highest standards. All paperwork is checked before and after execution internally and available for review in advance where required. 
A flexible pool of experienced consultants are utilised to ensure the appropriate experience and expertise are applied to the current tasks.
Additional resources are available to ensure we meet client expectations and achieve the agreed targets. Support can include additional validation staff, archiving/ documentation specialists and quality representatives.


DJC Validation Ltd

Mold Road


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